Every day Easter there are guided visits to Valdorba Romanesque

Every day Easter there are guided visits to Valdorba Romanesque.

This year as a novelty, Friday and Holy Saturday there will also be visiting in the afternoon and Easter Monday morning visit (consultation on the agenda schedules and routes).

Reservation can be made until just before starting the tour, on-line (also available in the phone book 948 720 500).

Ermita de Kataláin, Valdorba


Asociación para el Desarrollo de Valdorba – Orbaibarreko Garapenerako Elkartea
Cto. Monumental de Katalain (Carretera Garínoain-Leoz km 2)
31395 Garínoain-Valdorba (Navarra)
T./Fax: 948 720 500
Movil 626 153 809